Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Attitude by Charles Swindoll

There's a really great quote by Chuck Swindoll that connects well with what we teach here at Star Chiropractic. That attitude is everything!
The human body is capable of incredible things as long as it's healthy and all the connections are flowing correctly, but if the attitude of the person who owns said body is "bad" then the ability to live a fulfilled life is greatly decreased.
Take a minute to read this quote and examine your own attitude, then make a decision today to live a healthier life!

By: Charles Swindoll

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.  It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.  It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.  It will make or break a company…a church…a home.  The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it."

Star Chiropractic

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spinal Disc Injuries

 Spinal Disc Injuries

 The intervertebral disc is a common cause in spine-related health problems; however its function is widely misunderstood. The disc is a small cartilage pad that is situated between spinal bones with a  soft jellylike center that is contained by surrounding layers of fibrous tissues. Each disc serves as a connector, space and shock absorber for the spine. When healthy, discs allow normal turning and bending. Interestingly, spinal discs have a very poor blood supply, they depend upon the circulation of the surrounding joints' fluids to bring in nutrients and expel waste.

 If a spinal joint loses it normal motion or position and this pumping action is impaired, the health of the disc can deteriorate.
 Like a wet sponge, a healthy disc is flexible. A dry sponge is hard, stiff and crack easily. This is how many disc problems begin.
 Because of the way each disc is attached to the vertebrae above and below, a disc cannot "slip" as is commonly thought. However, trauma or injury can cause discs to bulge, herniate, or worse, rupture. This can be quite painful, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots, which leads to interference with their function and communication. About 200,000 patients undergo lumbar spine surgery each year. Of those approximately 40% will not gain the desired outcome and in many cases be worse off following the surgery.

  DID YOU KNOW…if you hold an object next to the body, the weight of that object is equal to the pounds of stress on the disc in your lower back?

  BUT…if you extend your arms fully away from the body and lift the same weight, the pounds of stress on the disc in the lower back can be multiplied by ten!

  AND…it only takes about 300 pounds of pressure to tear the fibers of a disc…some people experience as much as 500 pounds of pressure when they sneeze!

  IN ADDITION…most disc injuries are not the result of a single event but are the result of small injuries or micro-traumas that occur over time.

 The chiropractic approach to disc problems is to help restore better motion and position to the spinal joints. Besides reducing disc bulging, better spine function can help decrease inflammation and begin the slow process of healing in the surrounding soft tissue. Many patients avoid needless spinal surgery or dependency on medications by choosing chiropractic care.

Lifetime Family Wellness
Star Chiropractic

Monday, May 21, 2012

According to the Associated Press on November 19, 1998, a National Institutes of Health committee reports that doctors still don't know how best to treat or even diagnose ADD/ADHD. Dr. David J. Kupfer, chairman of the panel and professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh says, "There is no current validated diagnostic test for [ADD/ADHD]. He also pointed out that there are no studies that have examined the long term effects of common treatment drugs such as Ritalin aside from the bad side effects that they can cause. Conclusions reached by the panel members include: *Panel member Janis Ferre of the Utah Governor's Council for People With Disabilities said there's inconsistency in diagnosing ADD/ADHD. "This results in over-diagnosis and under-diagnosis." *Panel member Donald Berry of the Duke University Medical Center criticized the lack of long-term effect studies on Ritalin and other strong, mind-altering drugs used in treating ADD/ADHD and said he thought they are prescribed too often and in wrong dosage. *Although Ritalin may correct some behavior problems, there is no evidence that it helps children's academic performance, or overall health and brain function. *Doctors and schools often do a poor job of communicating when treating ADD/ADHD and follow-up is often poor. By way of commentary, this panel estimated that up to 5% of children are truly affected with ADD/ADHD and that percentage is rising. If your child has been diagnosed with ADD/ ADHD, you must seriously determine if you want a questionable medical treatment with high-powered drugs that have long-term effects for your child. No doubt there's a better approach we should be taking first before medicating. Chiropractic Wellness Care helps normalize and balance the nervous system by removing subluxation interference that can create the disturbances seen in the ADD/ ADHD disorders. All children, not just those diagnosed with ADD/ ADHD need to have their spines examined for subluxation interference. “Lifetime Family Wellness”

Monday, May 7, 2012

7 Reasons

As you know, Star Chiropractic is based out of Shelby Township, MI and our core beliefs are that the human body understands intuitively what health and wellness are. So today we are going to review the 7 reasons why Chiropractic is important and actually gaining in popularity across the United States and the world! 1. Chiropractic Promotes Natural Healing. You should always seek out the least invasive, most "user friendly" form of healthcare before submitting to surgery and d "drugcare". 2. Chiropractic Can Prevent Problems. In fact, it can keep you healthy. Chiropractic is able to locate stress-creating distortions in your body, called subluxations, before damage occurs. 3. Chiropractic Is Effective And Natural. Why take drugs when you can be helped without them? This is a huge reason why millions of people visit their neighborhood doctor of chiropractic. 4. Chiropractic Is Safe. There are no dangerous drugs with scary side effects. There is no surgery that forever changes your body. Chiropractic has an enviable safety record. Malpractice insurance for chiropractors is only a tiny fraction compared to the overall amount for medical practitioners. 5. Chiropractic Is For The Whole Family. Everyone, from the very young to the very old, can benefit from chiropractic care. 6. Family Chiropractic Care Sends A Healthy Message To Children. You don't have to take drugs to live a happy, healthy life. Most chiropractors will not just make adjustments to the spine, but also offer insight into how to eat healthier as well as how to exercise more effectively. 7. Chiropractic Is About Optimizing Health. Chiropractic services do more than just ameliorate symptoms. As the saying goes, chiropractic "nips it in the bud" when it comes to issues that could cause all sorts of health problems if left unchecked. So now you know a little bit more about what chiropractic care is all about. If you would like more information, don't hesitate to call the office and schedule an appointment today! Star Chiropractic 53316 Van Dyke Ave. Shelby Township, MI 48316 (586)781-0900

Monday, April 30, 2012

Health Care Quiz - Myths vs. Facts

Question: When are you and your family well? MYTH: When we are feeling good. FACT: The people who are feeling good often die of heart attacks, find out they have cancer, or wake up sick after feeling good all of their lives. You and your family are only well when the normal amount of mental "life" impulses from the brain and spinal cord can reach the body through the nerves at 100%. 100% FULL FLOW equals 100% FULL GOD-GIVEN HEALTH POTENTIAL. The "life" coming from the brain and spinal cord is the POWER that totally controls all functions and healing in the body. THE POWER IS ON only when you place NO INTERFERENCE in the natural path. Question: How do you and your family get sick? MYTH: Somebody around us is sick and bugs, bacteria, viruses, or pollen float around and we catch them like a baseball. We get cancer or heart disease because of poor genetics, bad luck (we were dealt a bad hand), or old age. FACT: THE CAUSE OR SICKNESS IN INTERFERENCE. The most common and likely way to interfere with the brain and spinal cord is abnormal position of the spine and subluxations (misalignment). This interference to the flow of "life" impulses will cause the organs of the body to function and heal poorly. The power is off! You and your family will then become sick over time. Drugs and poor nutrition will poison the body and also cause interference to normal body function and proper healing. Bugs, pollen, bacteria and even cancer are ALWAYS present in your body. A weak immune system that does not function or heal properly allows bugs, germs, pollen and most of all cancer to overcome your body. Over TIME heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and degenerative illnesses develop due to poor body function, not bad luck. Question: How do you and your family get well? MYTH: We use drugs, vitamins, surgery, herbs or some kind of doctor. FACT: Try to work to eliminate interference to normal body function and healing, Chiropractors do not heal you, they remove interference to the flow of mental "life" impulses by correcting your spine. THEY TURN THE POWER ON! Drugs and surgery do not remove interference, they create it! They may remove symptoms but they actually make you sicker. "The person who takes medicine must recover twice; one from the disease and once from the medicine." -William Usler M.D. Question: How do you and your family stay well? FACT: Every single day you and your family must consider the FOUR WAYS TO REACH YOUR NATURAL HEALTH POTENTIAL. If you are neglecting even one, you will eventually become sick and/or die early because of it. Approximately 2 out 3 Americans will die from heart disease and cancer. Few will live long, quality, productive lives. What the average American does for their health has not been working. For you and your family to survive, you must consider ALL FOUR WAYS EVERY DAY. FOUR WAYS TO REACH YOUR NATURAL HEALTH POTENTIAL 1. NORMAL POSITION AND ALIGNMENT OF THE SPINE. The spine and central nerve system must be in normal position and alignment in order for the normal amount of mental "life" impulses to flow to the body. You and your family must receive enough adjustments over the proper period of time to completely correct your spine X-ray and to remove all central nerve system interferences. You then must retain your spine the rest of your lives. KEEP YOU POWER ON! 2. NO DRUGS OR CHEMICALS. Your body is a temple. Prescription drugs, drug store medications and other artificial chemicals that are in the processed food poison the body and interfere with normal, natural body function. 3. GOOD POSTURE AND PROPER MOVEMENT. Poor posture puts stress on the central nerve system interfering with the normal flow of mental "life" impulses. The body is designed to move. You and your family intake and absorb oxygen more efficiently when you are moving. Without some form of proper, regular exercise you interfere with normal oxygen supply. 4. REST AND REDUCE STRESS. The body only heals when it is at rest. By not getting enough rest and indulging in too much stress, you and your family interfere with healing and body function. This too, will shorten your life. Rather than be a specialist in one organ or one type of disease, Chiropractors specialize in removing interference to the entire body offering optimum natural health potential. Information is offered on spinal correction, nutrition, exercise and stress management.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sugar Linked to Bowel Disorders

A study by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association 92 (1992) pages 1121-1123, found that if your digestive system gives you trouble, eat less sugar. This study was done as a comparison of the effects of diets high and low in simple sugars and their effects on bowel function in healthy, lactose-tolerant men. This study linked a high-sugar diet to slow bowel movements, watery stools and diarrhea. These results, the researchers say, "support the practice of excluding high simple-sugar foods from the diet of patients with certain gastrointestinal disorders. For those individuals, we suspect that doses of simple sugars…could result in symptoms of intolerance and malabsorption."-M.M. Yadrick
In another study, researchers found that sugar also effects PMS. Sugar, Alcohol and PMS A research survey on "Prevalence and severity of the premenstrual syndrome," by A.M. Rossignol and H. Bonnlander, in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine 36 (1991) pgs. 131-136 finds the sources of food that contribute to PMS. What sorts of things contribute to PMS? Chocolate, fruit juice and beer…according to this study…were key factors. Oregon State University researchers concluded this after surveying 858 women university students. Seventy-three percent of the women reported at least one PMS symptom. Most called their symptoms "mild"; only 2% called them "severe". Ninety percent of the women ate "junk food" at least once a day, but the researchers found no significant association between junk food in general and PMS. They found an association between PMS and chocolate, PMS and fruit juice and PMS and beer (alcohol). As a result of the survey information, researchers conclude that there is a link between PMS symptom severity and alcohol and sugars. Common PMS Symptoms: Mood swings Irritability Depression Anxiety Angry outbursts Confusion or fuzzy thinking Tearfulness Fatigue Insomnia Changes in libido Overeating Craving, especially for salty or sweet foods Alcohol intolerance Acne Hives Abdominal cramps or bloating Weigh gain Headaches Breast swelling and pain Edema (visible swelling,particularly in hands, feet and legs) Asthma Sinus problems Sore throat Worsening of chronic conditions like arthritis and ulcers Difficulty with coordination,prone to accidents Dizziness, decreased balance Heart pounding (palpitation) Nausea Fainting Urinary problems Brought to you by Star Chiropractic. "Lifetime Family Wellness"

Monday, April 16, 2012

Chiropractic Restores Health in Asthma Patients

In the May 1995 issue of Chiropractic Pediatrics, a study found that a reduction in asthma symptoms in a group of children correlated to the correction of vertebral subluxations in the children's spines.

According to the study "all participants showed measurable improvement on radiographs (x-ray films), which correlated with an improvement in asthma symptoms in seven of the eight cases".

The study also reported that after the tenth Chiropractic adjustment, an overall increase of 25.38% occurred in the mean average Peak flow meter reading which tests breathing and lung capacity.

Parents of the children involved in the study reported there was a significant reduction in the need for medications to control asthma symptoms. "Seven parents stated that their child reduced the need for medication. Four parents stated that their child did not require any medication to control their asthma symptoms. Additionally, two parents stated that their child did not need to use the inhaler-type medication that they had previously needed on a daily basis".

The authors go on to state "the obvious clinical importance of this study is that children will benefit by having vertebral subluxations reduced/corrected that could interfere with normal respiratory function, especially lung capacity".

Healthier People: Healthier Planet