Question: When are you and your family well?
MYTH: When we are feeling good.
FACT: The people who are feeling good often die of heart attacks, find out they have cancer, or wake up sick after feeling good all of their lives.
You and your family are only well when the normal amount of mental "life" impulses from the brain and spinal cord can reach the body through the nerves at 100%. 100% FULL FLOW equals 100% FULL GOD-GIVEN HEALTH POTENTIAL.
The "life" coming from the brain and spinal cord is the POWER that totally controls all functions and healing in the body. THE POWER IS ON only when you place NO INTERFERENCE in the natural path.
Question: How do you and your family get sick?
MYTH: Somebody around us is sick and bugs, bacteria, viruses, or pollen float around and we catch them like a baseball. We get cancer or heart disease because of poor genetics, bad luck (we were dealt a bad hand), or old age.
FACT: THE CAUSE OR SICKNESS IN INTERFERENCE. The most common and likely way to interfere with the brain and spinal cord is abnormal position of the spine and subluxations (misalignment). This interference to the flow of "life" impulses will cause the organs of the body to function and heal poorly. The power is off! You and your family will then become sick over time.
Drugs and poor nutrition will poison the body and also cause interference to normal body function and proper healing.
Bugs, pollen, bacteria and even cancer are ALWAYS present in your body. A weak immune system that does not function or heal properly allows bugs, germs, pollen and most of all cancer to overcome your body. Over TIME heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and degenerative illnesses develop due to poor body function, not bad luck.
Question: How do you and your family get well?
MYTH: We use drugs, vitamins, surgery, herbs or some kind of doctor.
FACT: Try to work to eliminate interference to normal body function and healing, Chiropractors do not heal you, they remove interference to the flow of mental "life" impulses by correcting your spine. THEY TURN THE POWER ON! Drugs and surgery do not remove interference, they create it! They may remove symptoms but they actually make you sicker.
"The person who takes medicine must recover twice; one from the disease and once from the medicine." -William Usler M.D.
Question: How do you and your family stay well?
FACT: Every single day you and your family must consider the FOUR WAYS TO REACH YOUR NATURAL HEALTH POTENTIAL.
If you are neglecting even one, you will eventually become sick and/or die early because of it. Approximately 2 out 3 Americans will die from heart disease and cancer. Few will live long, quality, productive lives. What the average American does for their health has not been working. For you and your family to survive, you must consider ALL FOUR WAYS EVERY DAY.
1. NORMAL POSITION AND ALIGNMENT OF THE SPINE. The spine and central nerve system must be in normal position and alignment in order for the normal amount of mental "life" impulses to flow to the body. You and your family must receive enough adjustments over the proper period of time to completely correct your spine X-ray and to remove all central nerve system interferences. You then must retain your spine the rest of your lives. KEEP YOU POWER ON!
2. NO DRUGS OR CHEMICALS. Your body is a temple. Prescription drugs, drug store medications and other artificial chemicals that are in the processed food poison the body and interfere with normal, natural body function.
3. GOOD POSTURE AND PROPER MOVEMENT. Poor posture puts stress on the central nerve system interfering with the normal flow of mental "life" impulses. The body is designed to move. You and your family intake and absorb oxygen more efficiently when you are moving. Without some form of proper, regular exercise you interfere with normal oxygen supply.
4. REST AND REDUCE STRESS. The body only heals when it is at rest. By not getting enough rest and indulging in too much stress, you and your family interfere with healing and body function. This too, will shorten your life.
Rather than be a specialist in one organ or one type of disease, Chiropractors specialize in removing interference to the entire body offering optimum natural health potential. Information is offered on spinal correction, nutrition, exercise and stress management.